Have some questions about interior design or the room designing services we offer?
Stephanie has answers!
1). What services do you provide?
We do it all! From our initial design consultation to final product installation, we will handle every detail of redecorating your home.
2). How do you charge/what are your fees?
Decorating Den Interiors always offers a free one-hour consultation. Then, for any following appointments, you pay only for the items you select when purchasing products we sell. We do offer additional services at an hourly rate. These services may include: space planning, furniture placement, hanging pictures, paint selection and personal shopping. (fees for these services can be obtained when you call to discuss your project). Your satisfaction with our products and our services are guarenteed!
3). How do I determine the budget for my project?
There is no single, correct answer when determining your decorating budget. However, it would be inaccurate to say that you have no budget at all. Budgeting is a realistic part of the redecorating process and we all have a range in which we feel comfortable. The amount you invest toward your specific project depends on the priorities of your family. Priorities may vary from person to person within the household, so please discuss your budget with anyone who may influence the buying decision. This will enable me to better serve you. Because decorating with custom products offers a high degree of flexibility, I will work hard to help you create the look you desire within the budget you have established. Some clients ask for my guidance on the costs associated with decorating, because this process is new to them or they haven’t redecorated in years.
4). Where should I start?
Decide what you wish to accomplish, which rooms will you be redecorating, and what types of new products would enhance each room (window treatments, furniture or reupholstery, bedding, rugs/flooring, wall coverings, lighting, accessories)? Decide what are your current priorities? Do you have immediate needs, as well as long-term ideas? Then gather your ideas by spending some time browsing through decorating magazines. Tear out pictures that illustrate the style you would like to create.
Ready to Get Your Project Started?
Decorating Den Interiors has helped over a million customers create beautiful and unique living spaces.
Let us help you with your next big project!